Thursday, February 25, 2016

Make Your Own Shower Bombs with Young Living Essential Oils

Shower Bombs are the best way to start your day! Make getting ready in the morning start out amazing and refreshing. These easy to make shower bombs will guarantee you start your day rejuvenated!!


2 cups of baking soda
1 cup of citric acid (can be found at grocery stores in the canning section)
2 Tbsp of water
30+ drops of your favorite aromatic essential oil


Mix the citric acid and baking soda in a medium sized bowl. In a smaller bowl, mix together the water and essential oil. Add the water-oil mix to the dry mixture a few drops at a time, stirring well after each drop (feel free to use a stand mixer to make it easier). Once thoroughly mixed, pack tightly into 2 inch balls using a stainless steel cake pop mold, your hands or a cookie scoop. Allow to dry for at least 12 hours before using.

When you're ready to enjoy, simple place one near your feet under the hot water!

Have questions about Young Living essential oils? Feel free to email me or add me on Facebook.
Ready to begin your Young Living journey? Simply fill out this form.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Are All Essential Oils Created Equal?

Short answer.....

Essential oils are NOT all created equal.

In fact, most essential oils are considered "perfume grade" and are not safe for consumption, because they're synthetically produced.

This is not true for Young Living.

Young Living uses a  proprietary "Seed to Seal" process that produces oils of unparalleled purity, quality and integrity. It's something we're truly proud of.

Learn more about the quality of the oils and why it matters so much. Email me here. Friend me on Facebook here. Ready to get your starter pack? Click here

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to Beat a Cold with Essential Oils

It's that time of year when at least one person in your household comes down with a cold. For years, we would make a run to the local pharmacy to purchase one of the many over the counter cold remedies. I tend to fall prey to the winter cold each and every year, but this time it was my husband that awoke with all of the symptoms: scratchy throat, trouble swallowing, runny nose, puffy eyes, runny nose. Normally, I would make a run for the medicine cabinet to grab something like Sudafed or Dayquil, but instead, I grabbed my book with oil remedies and whipped up a natural remedy!

My husband slightly questioned whether the oils would be a better remedy than the OTC meds. I am so glad he trusted my judgement because by the next day, he was back to feeling great again!

My remedy:

1. In a glass water bottle, I added 4 drops of Lemon. (It is best to use glass when mixing essential oils) This helped soothe his throat.

2. I applied a 50/50 blend of Lemon with Sweet Almond Oil (you can use any type of carrier oil) and applied it to his chest, lymph nodes and sinuses. It helped with all the congestion and snot since Lemon is a natural expectorant.

3. With Lavender being a natural antihistamine, I mixed a 50/50 blend with Sweet Almond Oil and applied it to the same places. Afterward, I did the same with a 50/50 blend of Peppermint and Sweet Almond Oil to help with the sinus pressure and to help him breathe clearly.

4. I applied Purification directly to his throat (no carrier oil). It helped him be able to swallow without pain.

5. This process was repeated every 4 hours. I mixed up enough that morning to make it a quicker application process.

6. I diffused Thieves all day to help cleanse the air. We didn't want this nasty bug making its way around the house!

To be on the safe side, I repeated the process for 2 days.

Once again, my Young Living Essential Oils saved the day and saved us from having to use an OTC medication!

If you do not have all of the necessary ingredients, feel free to email me or contact me on Facebook. Interested in learning more about Young Living products? Simply click here. Already love essential oils and are interested in joining the Young Living team? Contact me through the links mentioned above.

Erin Thompson
Young Living Distributor ID #3588592 

Essential Oil Raindrop In A Bottle Recipe

There are so many ways to use essential oils to enhance our well-being. One of these techniques is called Raindrop. For those of you who are new to using essential oils, this process is a simple application of dropping little drops of oil from about 6 inches above the body down the entire length of the spine, like raindrops. This gives our immune system a boost, as it kills viruses and bacteria and releases toxins that have gathered together along the spine.

Our daily lives get so busy that we do not always have time to do this. Below you will find an amazing recipe that you simply roll down your spine. With so many illnesses being passed around this time of year, I mixed up my raindrop roller last night and applied it to everyone in the house!

If you do not have all of the necessary ingredients, feel free to email me or contact me on FaceBook. Interested in learning more about Young Living products? Simply click here. Already love essential oils and are interested in joining the Young Living team? Contact me through the links mentioned above.

Erin Thompson
Young Living Distributor ID #3588592

Monday, February 15, 2016

What are Essential Oils?

Hello All!

A lot of my friends and family have asked me about details of my family's new Young Living Essential Oil Lifestyle so I have decided to share a little bit about our experience using them. As soon as I started using them I was completely hooked. I believe whole-heartedly that these natural creations heal our minds, bodies and souls.

We use Young Living oils in our daily lives.

2 why we use essential oils in our home SB

What are Young Living Essential Oils, you ask...
Essential Oils have been used for thousands of years. They have been extracted from hundreds of different plants and are completely natural. Young Living distills or presses the plants to obtain the pure oils.

How do you use Essential Oils?
Oils can be used several different ways: diffused into the air, inhaled directly, applied topically, massaged, or taken internally. I personally use all of these methods.

Why choose Young Living?
Most importantly, quality! Young Living has been creating their amazing oils for 20+ years. They have implemented a system to ensure each oil lives up to their high standards. The process is called Seed to Seal. They track the entire process from the seed all the way until it is sealed in a bottle for you.

To read more on Young Living, feel free to visit their website here. To sign up, click here. Just enter 3588592 into the "Sponsor" and "Enroller" fields.

Interested in becoming a Member of this Amazing Team? Contact me at or friend me on FaceBook here. My Distributor number is 3588592.