Thursday, February 25, 2016

Make Your Own Shower Bombs with Young Living Essential Oils

Shower Bombs are the best way to start your day! Make getting ready in the morning start out amazing and refreshing. These easy to make shower bombs will guarantee you start your day rejuvenated!!


2 cups of baking soda
1 cup of citric acid (can be found at grocery stores in the canning section)
2 Tbsp of water
30+ drops of your favorite aromatic essential oil


Mix the citric acid and baking soda in a medium sized bowl. In a smaller bowl, mix together the water and essential oil. Add the water-oil mix to the dry mixture a few drops at a time, stirring well after each drop (feel free to use a stand mixer to make it easier). Once thoroughly mixed, pack tightly into 2 inch balls using a stainless steel cake pop mold, your hands or a cookie scoop. Allow to dry for at least 12 hours before using.

When you're ready to enjoy, simple place one near your feet under the hot water!

Have questions about Young Living essential oils? Feel free to email me or add me on Facebook.
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