Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Essential Oil Raindrop In A Bottle Recipe

There are so many ways to use essential oils to enhance our well-being. One of these techniques is called Raindrop. For those of you who are new to using essential oils, this process is a simple application of dropping little drops of oil from about 6 inches above the body down the entire length of the spine, like raindrops. This gives our immune system a boost, as it kills viruses and bacteria and releases toxins that have gathered together along the spine.

Our daily lives get so busy that we do not always have time to do this. Below you will find an amazing recipe that you simply roll down your spine. With so many illnesses being passed around this time of year, I mixed up my raindrop roller last night and applied it to everyone in the house!

If you do not have all of the necessary ingredients, feel free to email me or contact me on FaceBook. Interested in learning more about Young Living products? Simply click here. Already love essential oils and are interested in joining the Young Living team? Contact me through the links mentioned above.

Erin Thompson
Young Living Distributor ID #3588592

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